Nothing But The Obvious

Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria wanted to ban the Manchester United jersey and that wasn't enough. He now wants to ban poco poco dance. No, he couldn't think of anything else to point out. Like the mat rempits riding in gangs at midnight. Or the fact that the highest divorce rate among the three major races is from the Malay society. Or how an ustaz was responsible for the death of a 7 year old kid.

But no, the poco poco dance is of utmost importance and must be banned immediately to save us helpless people from destroying our own faith and go down a wrong path.

Seriously, there's something fucking wrong with this country.


nadhirah said...

betul, like emphasising the guidelines for better marriage life especially the ones taught by Muhammad SAW.

Maalini said...

I can imagine you saying the last paragraph out loud, and for some reason, it cracks me up.

Glad to know that Malaysia's public faces have their priorities right. :)

benjamin said...

nad : yea. there are tonnes of things much more important than poco poco.

mani : ah, i guess you highlight my post eh? =p