More often than not, when people see a picture of nature like above, they'd go like, "God's creation is beautiful", or they'd be like "God made the world so beautiful." I cant say I disagree completely, but i find it rather biased. So here's a picture to even it up. Have a good one.


Hanis Amanina said...

emmm kan lumrah manusia akan suka benda yang cantik. dan setiap orang ada kriteria cantik tersendiri.

cuba tanya pencinta serangga, cantik tak serangga kat gambar bawah tu? aha, it's possible to hear that they will say it's beautiful. :)

just like learning all the histology slides, I realised that all my professors love every single cells in which I don't find that attractions. hihi

sorry la eh kalau tak menjawab pesoalan tu. maybe our way of thinking is different

benjamin said...

takda persoalan pun. aku cuma bengang kat orang yang kat facebook yang post gambar nature yang lawa pastu cakap "god is great". lipas ke, tikus ke pun ciptaan Tuhdan, takda pun orang nak kecoh. aku rasa biased la.

jangan cakap pasal histo. aku exam dah dekat. tension

Hanis Amanina said...

untuk next entry aku, mesti kau pun rasa aku biased. lalala :D

hey, lama rasanya tak bertegur sapa kan? jaga diri kawan! all the best exammmmm!