spot the person, who almost crush his own team, who almost drag the other two opposition speakers with him, who had a serious stagefright or whatever that is, who was somewhat intimidated by three clowns with two of them having the natural ability to annoy you to hell, who couldnt pull himself together during that debate session, who almost let his team down, who was unnecessarily congratulated by his friends and teachers, who just had to freak out on stage, who did not do enough for the team, who couldnt even POI the govt team, who was scared to death when the results were being announced, who did not live up to his own expectations, who couldnt justify himself in the pic.
tell me, what should that person do now.......or should he flip a coin again?
I think that this guy you speak of needs a good whacking with a certain heavy bag.
I think that this guy you speak of needs to start looking a bit more to the front instead of only looking through a rear-view mirror all the time which has been replaced by some carnival mirror to distort his view.
I think that this guy that you speak of needs to loosen all his too-tight connections before he can say that he even comes close to falling apart.
I think that this guy that you speak of needs a reality check because he seems to be sure that he's capable of dragging four other guys and three teachers down single-handedly when that's far from the case.
I think that this guy that you speak of needs to go for a medical exam and see for himself that he is very much human and as such, nothing ever goes as planned.
I think that this guy you speak of should not insult the people who sincerely thought he did a great job nonetheless by saying the congratulations was unnecessary.
I think that this guy you speak of needs to pull himself together before some sharp five-inch heels start flying.
I think that this guy you speak of should stop being so hard on himself because contrary to what he thinks, he's not even come close to destroying the team, and is the best opposition leader a certain leech has had the honour of working with.
I think that this guy you speak of should flip the coin, draw opposition once more, and kick some ass.
I think that this guy you speak of would also find this horribly corny, so as an alternative, a certain leech would strongly suggest that he looked for the 2006 Badlishah debate before he says even more.
P.S. Leeches aren't the most comforting creatures... but this leech can always just get over to where this guy is and cause grievous bodily harm, if needed.
hhmm, give that guy some time, should lamnesia strikes again, he should forget it by then.....
For that guy's sake, I hope so, or a leech could attempt to induce it artificially with an overloaded bag and a good pair of heels.
*Cough.* =]
"As a speaker, there is no alternative to confronting your mistakes and correcting them.And this is why the greatest of debaters are not only the most eloquent -- they are the most bruised, the most resilient, the strongest of heart." - Andrew Loh
I feel the above quotation can be used not only for you, but for me and the rest of us as well. As much as we have moved on there will always to be those moments where we thought we couldn't have did better. And true enough, we tried even harder in the next lap.
So Ben, it was never about who cost who. I know we all hate the feeling of letting down others, but I would like you to know that you have never once let us down.
The biggest hurdle for you right now, isn't the opponents nor the judges but rather you yourself. To conquer yourself, is to conquer everything else.
So can you do just that,Ben?
Forget about everyone and everything else for this moment and just live it.
We have faith in you.
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