
it's funny how math and truth differs from each other, at least in one way. it's in how half matters. in math, if im correct, we round up half as one. but why? it stands right between zero and one, nothing more, and nothing less, and yet, when rounded, it is considered as one. why can't it stay just in the middle? so, it is correct to say that half is considered as one when rounded off, isn't it? and that's ok in math.

then, that does not apply to statements. under any condition, half of a statement can never be considered as a whole, or so i thought. same goes to truth. half a truth is worst than a complete lie. why? it's simple. take any sentence, and cut it into half......and it wouldn't have the same meaning as before. in fact, a missing word, just one, can do the same thing. problem is, people often consider half statements as a whole, they often accept half truths as a whole.

statement : a glass half full of milk.
i can say that the glass has milk in it, and it wouldnt be a lie. but is it true? in ordinary situations, yes, that's true. but then, why is the fact that only half the glass has milk in it is ignored and taken out from the true statement? why is it imporant anyway? why is half a statement be treated as a whole? where did the other half came from?

simple....it came from us and our assumptions. and that is how we jump to conclusions.
statement : i cant find anything wrong with my keyboard.
assumption : there is nothing wrong with the keyboard (which is not wrong, just not true either)
truth : there is no fault in my keyboard that i can find, should there be one, or my keyboard is really fine.

that assumption is half a statement of the truth. surely it wasnt wrong, but as i said, half the truth is worst than a lie. in a lie, only the speaker can be held liable for his wrongdoings. in half truth, you are partly at fault as you're the one that made the assumption.

lying requires one to convince the other to accept a statement completely. half the truth guides a person to make that same statement himself.

i can say " i was last in class......." and before i can finish my sentence, you'd think im dumb, but then, i continue saying "starting backwards". the point is, we assume too much. we, ok, sorry for the generalization, are predictable in our thoughts. and that's where we can be tricked to believing lies and deception.

im short on words now, so i'll end it there.

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