called up jpa, and they said they are sending me to unikl royal college of medicine perak...whatever that is. the intake is in july, so i guess im stuck in matrix for another month. to translate how that feels as of this moment would require keyboard bashing like;
yes..........thats how it feels. im getting adjusted to the new surrounding, i know which cafeteria has the better food, i know which bathroom gets clogged. i can even recognize the cats from my block now. i dont hate this place but still....i want to get out now., i need to, i have to........there are things i have to do, and i've wasted today already, which leaves me with another 2 left. that isnt enough. i need that letter now......shit, they can have back their 1250 bucks. what im asking for is just a little more time.
Bloody hell...just move on with life and go to Perak. U could probably catch a glimpse of Nizar and Dr.Zambry in a catfight...
eh, haha, dude, you're the one that told me to look at the agreement first. because the bond is gona be like ten years...thats smtg i cant risk. if i quit matrix now, and the jpa turns out to be a bad deal.....well, i dont even wana think about that.
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