RE : don't wear devil jerseys

right. so we can't wear a manchester united jersey because there's a devil emblem on it.

question #1 : how do you even know that is how the devil looks like?

question #2 : how does wearing a devil emblem be considered worshiping the devil? by that logic, does wearing a t-shirt with a nike emblem count as worshiping nike?

i mean seriously, how does wearing a jersey erode a muslim's faith? nope, Datuk Nooh Gadot didn't elaborate. "Yes, of course in Islam we don't allow people to wear this sort of thing.", Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria added. who's "we" in Islam? a group of people with similar mindset doesn't count because there are millions of muslims. a bunch of idiots with too much time on their hands doesn't represent us as muslims, and certainly have no right to be a symbol of islam.

so i can't wear a t shirt with a cross because it represents should i scrap of the + symbol on my calculator. should all muslims do that?

let's try it this way. islam is often symbolised by the crescent and stars. so if other religions were to think to like those clowns, should they blow up the moon or something?


Hanis Amanina said...

I found this website. Maybe you can consider it as a reference.

I'm not interested with jerseys by the way. :D

But, for me, just my point of view. We can still wear jersey but with some some modifications to the logo. The jersey is innocent but the logo might be wrong.

The color and pattern of the jersey itself shows what team you are wearing. For example, red and white is for MU, fly emirates for arsenal. People will not really observe the logo. It seems crazy if they did. :p

Maybe we can try to change a bit to the logo. At the same time, to get rid of so-called 'devil'.

waAllahualam. :)

benjamin said...

still, how do you know that the devil emblem resemble the devil himself?

Anonymous said...

you know what's really sad? The fact that they pay so much attention to something WAY beyond their area and they can't even rectify things which were completely banned by the holy Quran itself. Its really annoying how politicians can make the religion look really bad.
I used to have this Irish cross necklace and I wore it everywhere. The main reason I put it on was because it was a gift. And...I'm still a Muslim. I sounds bad just shows that symbols and shapes made by man need not necessarily be the source of evil. No one really knows what the devil looks like anyhow.

benjamin said...

i couldnt agree more than you. its the thought that counts...and faith too. there's many reasons for one to act in such a manner. ultra zealots just want to look at things in one way, their way.

to wear a cross because it's a gift is your right.

Hanis Amanina said...

I wonder why you always come out with such questions.

It is never wrong to have a mind like that. But it has the limit where you shouldn't go beyond that.

Mencegah itu lebih baik daripada merawat.

Is there anything wrong if we just follow that fact that we cannot wear anything that 'might' be resemble the devil?

even the MU itself stated that 'The Red Devils' right?

i suggest you to refer to a more knowledgeable people about this. :)I think they have the answer for your question. Sorry.

To anonymous.

You have your own opinion. And I have mine. It's already stated that in hadith that "Barang siapa menyerupai sesuatu kaum itu, maka ia tergolong dalam golongan tersebut".

I don't really remember the exact sentence but it still give the same meaning.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. The point is...their reason for implementing the ban in the first place is because "devils are not something to be celebrated". True. Perfect sentence. HOWEVER, it doesn't eliminate the fact that Malaysians, Muslims in particular are putting on the jersey for their simple love of football or in this case...Manchester United. They are NOT worshipping the logo on it.
If people have perfect faith in their religion, and if they know their boundaries, and if they themselves understand that they have the Hereafter to answer to by the end of the day, you can put a shirt that says "bred in hell" on them complete with symbols of other things, torture them halfway...but their faith will never be shaken.
Flip open the Islamic history and you will find that the brave characters have a consistent trait among them; their utmost faith in God and religion.
We call ourselves a member of a Muslim country and yet one of the huge contributor to our politicians pocket money (which they so selflessly 'distribute to those who needs them)would be taxes, licenses and profits made from gambling, alcohol and extreme entertainment.
When you stand before God in the Hereafter, how will you explain yourself if you were wrong due to the lack of knowledge of what you're doing? That someone else told you it was supposed to be done that way? The Quran is there. It has never been changed. Open it. Read it. Understand it. And you will be safe.

benjamin said...

nina : i do not question religion, not anymore. i dont question the quran. i question people. i question because i want answers....the ones i can use to justify my actions when im being judged in the hereafter. i have one philosophy...that is, a questions can never be wrong. question is not about making a statement, or taking a stand. i ask not because i want to prove something wrong. i ask because i want them to justify their claims. if they cant answer me, then i won't follow what they say.

how does one come about knowledge? is it about merely following facts? that way, you will never learn more than other people. and when asked by god, would you say you did it because you were told to do so, or because everyone else did it, or because in your heart you know it is right.

that hadith you mentioned doesnt seem to justify your point. the bull does resemble the devil ; the horn..... i know its one stupid example. thing is, no one said you cant eat a bull because of the horn.

anonymous : point taken. i do everything with a own reasons. not because someone told me to do it. if i were to wear a man utd jersey, its because i love the club, not because i worship the devil. isnt this what really matters? if i were to wear a cross, which i might one day, it will definitely not cos im converting into christianity. god, or whatever you wana call that higher order/power/being....god would understand if god truly is as what they've claimed.

one last thing....god have us free will. what makes you think anyone can take that away from us? im free to do anything i want, but i will face my consequences. to sin is a right, to sin is to make a choice, to sin is between me and god. and god will judge me. and trust me, im ready to answer to what god will ask me.

Anonymous said...

Salam. Hai Ben:)

I'm not that good to help you in this, but I will share with you about what I know. hope it helps :)

Its really good to be curious and wanting to clarify things^^

But then, in Islam, when clarifying things, it suppose to be strengthening our iman, not making you more curious and questions more.

As we all know, as a muslim, we have the responsibilities to spread the words of Islam. However, just because of someone, for example, a muslim who wears a cross but still claims that he didnt meant to worship it, but people will still be questioning, how pure is Islam? how can such a holy religion let the ummat do whatever they like. this is just one of the example. in this case, it can also be through behaviour, communication and so on so forth.
in directly, that person is being considered as a fitnah towards Islam. please refer here for more info :

you cant expect to be selfish, and let others take the role in spreading Islam, as a muslim, we must take part in this too. by wearing other religions' symbols, it means that we are promoting their religion without even realising it!

also,i got something for you to clear up some part which you are questioning. its about the crescent and star symbols in Islam.

and btw, come on Ben, the + symbol in our calculator, doesnt represent anything with a deep meaning. it just a symbol for you to add numbers. and cant you differentiate + with the cross symbol? while, about the devil emblem, even it may not resemble the devil himself,they are still calling it 'the red devil' rite? so that represent a devil, eventhough, maybe thats not an exact structure of a devil -__-

this is just my point of view and i hope it helps in justifying whatever you are concerned of. you are a great thinker, but still there is a limit and maybe you should explore more and not just questioning.there are a lot of books out there to clarify your questions. or refer to people who are really good in this, like ustaz.

later on, insyaAllah, you will find that Islam is the best way of living life and there is no more questions like this yeah? hee.


benjamin said...

hey chupa chups.

"But then, in Islam, when clarifying things, it suppose to be strengthening our iman, not making you more curious and questions more."

i thought seeking knowledge is a never ending quest. so should i be contented with the knowledge i have now and think it's enough?

"However, just because of someone, for example, a muslim who wears a cross but still claims that he didnt meant to worship it, but people will still be questioning, how pure is Islam? how can such a holy religion let the ummat do whatever they like."

however, just because someone doesn't wear a a cross, doesn't mean he is a good muslim. thats just judging the tip of the iceberg. and if we can't even wear a jersey because of an emblem which is claimed to look like the devil, which no one really knows how it looks anyway, wont others judge that islam is so restrictive?

"in directly, that person is being considered as a fitnah towards Islam."

so won't those clown muftis be considered a fitnah towards islam, because they are showing that islam is conservative, intolerable, narrow-minded?

" by wearing other religions' symbols, it means that we are promoting their religion without even realising it!"

like i said, the crescent is an accepted symbol of islam. that's the sign you'll be looking for when you're looking for a place that serves halal food in other countries. so are you saying that the moon itself is promoting islam?
and how does wearing other religions' symbol be considered promoting them? again, no one bothered explaining. it takes more than just symbols to preach. its not advertising. its not those brands you see in the movies being placed in such strategic manner where you can see the logo. preaching requires understanding, interest....wanting to gain more question.

"cant you differentiate + with the cross symbol? "

fine. im wrong on that one. my bad.

"while, about the devil emblem, even it may not resemble the devil himself,they are still calling it 'the red devil' rite? so that represent a devil, eventhough, maybe thats not an exact structure of a devil"

so....when the headlines is "the devils lost the epl" or some other shit, do you think they meant satan or man utd? it depends on the nature of the context. everything means differently in different contexts...everything is a different representation in a different situation.

"but still there is a limit"

err.......and what is that limit?

"later on, insyaAllah, you will find that Islam is the best way of living life and there is no more questions like this yeah?"

questions like what? question that would strike curiosity in others? questions that are demoralising? questions that you cant answer?

ive taken your arguement and break it down, and reply to each part with my case. that's call a debate. and that shows how a case is built and broken down. and an arguement is debated clearly. i assume i've been clear enough in my cases instead of jumping points here and there with nothing concrete of a structure of an arguement.

ps : nice try.


Anonymous said...

have you ever see a pious man wearing cross? definitely, you won't be seeing it and never.never in thousand whatever you do, it must be because of Allah. and one thing you should know, just by looking or staring the cross it can weaken your iman. because cross is a string symbol of christianity. for eg, if you happened to wear a cross, did you wear it because of Allah s.w.t? niat yang baik akan di ikuti dengan perbuatan yang baik.

it's a total bullshit if you say you wear it because of Allah. come on dude, you know it right. you don't have to question why we can't wear cross, why men have to go for Friday prayer, why muslim women have to cover their head, why we have to pray. what you have to do is to go and figure out the answers to your questions. not by making such a nonsense questions. go and open up the Quran. Islam is a way of life. everything has been stated in the Holy Quran Nul Karim. it covers every aspect of life.

we are none of the experts to answers your questions. why don't you try and approach ustaz Jo and ask. just don't be such a passive man. ask everything you want, right.

benjamin said...

anonymous :

"and one thing you should know, just by looking or staring the cross it can weaken your iman. because cross is a string symbol of christianity"

good point.....only if you included how that would work.

"what you have to do is to go and figure out the answers to your questions. not by making such a nonsense questions."

im sorry....what???

"everything has been stated in the Holy Quran Nul Karim. it covers every aspect of life. "

you're making a sweeping statement here. it covers every aspect of life. so you're saying it's self sufficient? are you rendering hadith obsolete? the quran did not mention how the solat should be done. you should go and read it again i think.

"we are none of the experts to answers your questions."

i didnt post this on your blog, or your facebook wall, or send you an email. how exactly did i ask you those questions? and if you're not an expert, why bother writing the first 2 paragraphs?

"you don't have to question why we can't wear cross, why men have to go for Friday prayer, why muslim women have to cover their head, why we have to pray."

free will brother, free will. aite?

it would be absurdly rude to say this, but since you started it, i dont really care anymore.
you as a muslim should try to defend your religion and its teaching instead of asking me to refer to an ustaz. what are you finding excuses for your lack knowledge in your own religion that you cant even answer me? at least i know what i dont comprehend, and i try to seek it out. you are complacent with your understanding of religion and when faced with dificult question, you just redirect me to an ustaz. nice going.

sory for the tone

fa said...

Imma stay out of this drama but I gotta say this to you:


(for obvious reasons)


benjamin said...

yay! kau best fa.

fa said...

I try :)

Anonymous said...

i didnt mean to have that 'tone'. just merely saying things in a firm way.

i may be lacking of informations but it never crossed my mind to even think, for God sake to wear a cross. we are forbidden to wear and put on anything that resembles anything other than Islam.
stop questioning things and stop doubting. you just gonna lose your faith. yes i admit im not an expert and that was why im suggesting you to refer to ustaz. the ones who know more and perhaps could explain and give answers to absurd questions like that. then how could you stop coming up with those kind of questions if you don't try to find the solutions in a better way? from the ones with irrevocable authority. rather than bullshitting here where, apparently, no one can satisfies you. you keep twisting the questions that unil you don't know where you are getting at.

i dont't want to lose a brother in Islam, the best way is to accept it with an open heart, sincerely, our obligation towards our Creator and look up the translation the reasons why Allah had set that way.

Verily, only in Him you will find the answers for everything.

benjamin said...

"stop questioning things and stop doubting. you just gonna lose your faith"

as opposed to what? i should have blind faith?

"yes i admit im not an expert"

so now you can stop spamming my blog eh?

"im suggesting you to refer to ustaz. the ones who know more and perhaps could explain and give answers to absurd questions like that. then how could you stop coming up with those kind of questions if you don't try to find the solutions in a better way? from the ones with irrevocable authority."

irrevocable authority eh?
yea, rite. read that again and again brother.

"rather than bullshitting here where, apparently, no one can satisfies you"

well this is my blog. i think i at least deserve to write what i want here. you wana talk about bullshitting? you've fail to make one solid point in your comments. you fail to respond to my rebuttals. you keep repeating the same irrelevant stuff and you're getting nowhere with what you are saying...ON MY BLOG. at least i dont spam your blog with long pointless comments do i?

"i dont't want to lose a brother in Islam, the best way is to accept it with an open heart, sincerely, our obligation towards our Creator and look up the translation the reasons why Allah had set that way."


"Verily, only in Him you will find the answers for everything."

yea, so why the need in ustaz earlier?

getting lost is better than going in circles. i really hope you get that.

chocolateness said...

I love this post. :))

chocolateness said...

refer to da ustaz? hmm.. u can refer to my lecturer, Ben. he's a tok imam! and oh, he held my cross the other day and said it looked good on me!! :DD

Anonymous said...

ah wei, ko xpayah la nak timbulkan soalan pelik2 ni.kalo benda basic mcm smyg 5 waktu boleh tinggal dgn sengaja just forget it la.tnye ah soalan2 yg xptot di tnya ni. u r getting nowhere.

benjamin said...

cat : cool! hahahaha

benjamin said...

anonymous : hahahaha. paling kurang kau betul. aku tinggal sembahyang. ok? kau sembahyang lima waktu sehari boleh jawab tak soalan aku?

Anonymous said...

"you as a muslim should try to defend your religion and its teaching instead of asking me to refer to an ustaz."

you????? its supposed to be we or us!!! aren't u a muslim urself!!??

"aku tinggal sembahyang. ok?"
so u re so proud of it dat u tinggal solat? solat 2 tiang agama..dats the basic.. n u should know dat!
proud when doing sumting wrong, dats so-called-arrogant!!
think bout it BENJAMIN!!

Anonymous said...

aku rse semua benda dah ade kt komen2 ni. dh ade otak n akal pikir la. jgn main tny je. pikir ape org dah explain. think before u ask. pikir pun mls.

Anonymous said...

relax lah ben.jangan lah kau ingat kau aja yang ada masalah ni.ramai lagi sebenarnya.

aku dulu ada juga kawan yang ada masalah macam kau ni.tapi dia lagi teruk.hidup dia lagi sucks dari kau.hidup liar.lagi teruk dari kau.seriously

tapi bezanya dia dengan kau,kau ni tak boleh nak terima cadangan orang.

bagus untuk berdebat untuk mendapatkan kepastian.tapi ni bukan lagi debate competition.

kawan aku dulu tu tak ego sangat.tak pernah segan untuk mendapat kepastian.dan kawan-kawan pun tak ada pun tolong dia.dia sendiri pergi jumpa orang-orang yang lebih pandai dalam hal ni,like ustaz.selalu aku nampak dia duduk di library baca buku agama Islam untuk mendapatkan jawapan.buat research.

last2,dia dapat apa yang dia nak.jawapan.

dari apa yang aku baca,kawan-kawan kau ramai yang nak sangat tolong kau.siap bagi cadangan supaya jumpa orang-orang tertentu.tapi kau,pandang rendah pula mereka ni.sepatutnya berterima kasih lah sikit.budi bahasa budaya kita.

orang dah tolong bagi jalan,kenapa tak nak ikut?cuba dulu.tak rugi pun.puas hati ke tak,belakang cerita.kau sendiri buat keputusan lepas,kau tak try apa-apa pun lagi dah cakap bukan-bukan.bukan semua orang baca blog kau.macam mana orang lain nak bantu?

p/s:aku pun bukan pandai sangat dalam ilmu agama.lebih kurang macam kau aja.tapi aku bagi dorongan aja supaya kau berusaha cari jawapan dengan alternatif yang lebih berkesan.ilmu kena dicari.setakat tulis di blog tak cukup.malah,membaca pun belum tentu cukup.kena jumpa orang yang lebih tahu.supaya dapat penjelasan dari apa yang kau baca.


benjamin said...

kalau sampai 3 anonymous bagi komen, aku confuse kot. tolong la letak nama lain.

so i'll sum it up for all 3 of you nameless people. instead of committing character assassination, why not stay relevant to the blog post eh?

mail said...

ok2.aku latest anonymous.macam mana?kau boleh terima ke apa aku cadangkan tu?usaha lah sikit nak cari jawapan kau tu kalau betul kau nak jawapannya dan bukan sekadar nak timbulkan kontroversi yang mengelirukan.usaha tangga kejayaan kan?


Anonymous said...

again, you are trying to run away from reality. you don't even try to think and accept any of the advises.belajar la untuk terima pandangan orang lain.jangan lihat siapa yg bagi nasihat, tetapi kata-kata yg diberikan.jadi kalau orang tak kuat agama bagi nasihat, tapi masih betul, terima sahaja. siapa-siapa pun ada hak untuk beri nasihat.

mail said...

ya ben betul juga anonymous tu.nasihat boleh datang dari sesiapa pun.even benduan atau penagih dadah.

Anonymous said...

Ak blog walker..this is my first post..

Ramai org(especially non muslim) yg kaji psal Islam tetapi still xmmeluk agama Islam krana skadar buat kajian bukan bertujuan untuk mencari kebenaran dan petunjuk(hidayah)..jadi betulkan niat anda dahulu untuk menerima kebenaran bukan untuk mnimbulkan persoalan sahaja..

kebanyakan soalan wujud coz of you yg xtau otak mnusia ade limit...(elaboration)-ade mnusia yg d beri klbihan utk melihat alam ghaib, ade yg dihijabkan(ditutup)daripada melihat alam adalah satu nikmat Allah sbb jika mnusia bley tgk alam ghaib(jin, setan, makhluk halus) kompem mnusia xley hidup ngan tenang..knape? sbb terkejut mlihat pelbagai bentuk yg hodoh yg mampu mnyebabkan ssorg tu pengsan(berdasarkan pengalaman org yg dirasuk,.. pernah ke anda melihat org yg dirasuk tenang dan tenteram??diorg bley syum2 mnum air tea..tntu xpernah kn..) in islam, prove in alQuran, mmg wujud alam ghaib..

"err.......and what is that limit?"

otak mnusia ade limitnye..ade batasnye..sbg contoh..mnusia xbleh memikirkan idea yg berhasil untuk mencipta mnusia yg len (tnpe mggunakan rahim mnusia sndiri).. ade org yg nk pkir perkara yg diluar batasan fkiran mnusia, bley jadi xsiuman(gila)..cth: mnusia xmampu mnulis satu ayat yg setanding dengan ayat AlQuran (hnye org yg kaji dan faham dan berniat mencari kebenaran AlQuran akan dapat mengetahui bahawa ayat AlQuran itu xde tndingan)..

nasihat saya sebagai saudara anda:
- jangan timbulkan persoalan ttg ssuatu perkara selagi anda belum mengkaji dan tau sepenuhnye ttg aspek persoalan tersebut..
- plizzzzzzzzzzzzz... JGN JADI GILA.....kerana mmikirkan perkara di luar batasan pemikiran mnusia..
- Jangan cuba pham Islam dengan hanye mmerhatikan keadaan skeliling...krana Islam xbley dipahami dgn hanye mlihat keadaan skeliling sbb xsume muslim skrang mngamalkan the true islamic life..
- Persoalan sume ini xkan wjud skiranye anda dah benar2 pham ttg Islam yg sbnrnye..klu xpercaya, kajilah Islam dengan sepenuhnye dan selamilah gaya hidup sorg muslim dengan mbuat sume tggjwb sbg sorg MUSLIM + dgrlah ceramah2 agama dan barulah anda layak untuk menilai dan mempersoalkan sbarang persoaln..

Ingat... kita xsmestinye sntiase betul..sometimes we have to accept the truth eventhough it is hard to do so..=)

Anonymous said...


sebagai seorang saudara semuslim,ana rasa terpanggil utk menulis sedikit komen..ana tidaklah seorang yg boleh digelar "a great debater" seperti Ben,tapi hanyalah seorang hamba Allah yang sangat terbatas ilmunya jika hendak dibandingkan dengan ilmu Yang Maha Mengetahui..namun ana rasa bersyukur kerana masih diberikan nikmat untuk hidup sebagai seorang Muslim hingga ke hari ini oleh Yang Maha Pemurah..

Perkara pertama yang menjadikan seseorang itu muslim adalah dengan mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah:
"Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah,dan aku bersaksi bahawa Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah"

Perkara inilah yang perlu diberi penekanan dan dipahamkan dengan sedalam dalamnya sebelum kita terus mempersoalkan tentang perkara lain dalam Islam..kerana itulah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah itu menjadi rukun Islam yang pertama.

Jika sudah meyakini rukun Islam yang pertama dengan sebenar benarnya,insya Allah tidak ada masalah untuk kita melaksanakan Rukun Islam yang kedua,iaitu mendirikan solat lima waktu sehari semalam dan juga segala suruhan Allah yang lain.andai kita sedar Allah itu adalah Pencipta dan Penguasa kepada diri kita,adakah kita sanggup untuk meingkari segala suruhanNya dan melakukan segala laranganNya?sanggupkah?namun Allah itu Maha Pemurah..walaupun suruhanNya ditinggalkan dan laranganNya dilakukan,Allah tetap memberi nikmat(seperti kejayaan dalam peperiksaan,kepandaian,kesempurnaan anggota tubuh badan,akal yang waras,keluarga yang bahagia dan dilimpahi dengan rezki yang banyak)yang mungkin tidak pernah kita syukuri.Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil kerana masih memberi peluang kepada hambaNya untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan.Ketahuilah bahawa pintu taubat tidak pernah tertutup selagi mana hayat dikandung badan dan matahari tidak terbit di sebelah barat(hari kiamat).

Pada pendapat ana,kukuhkan dulu aqidah kita dengan rukun Islam yang pertama di atas.insya Allah,Allah akan memberi hidayah untuk terus di jalan yang benar kepada kita..

kita juga perlu sentiasa berwaspada dengan hasutan syaitan yang sentiasa cuba untuk menyesatkan manusia..

ana percaya Ben boleh jadi seorang Muslim yang lebih hebat jika aqidah
anda di landasan yang betul.

sampai sini saja komen ana.segala yang baik itu adalah dari Allah dan segala kekurangan itu adalah dari kelemahan dan keterbatasan ilmu ana sendiri..maaf sekiranya komen ini hanya sesuatu yang mungkin dianggap menyemakkan blog Ben..

Akhir sekali,sama-samalah kita berdoa agar Allah sentiasa membuka pintu hati kita dan menyinari hati kita dengan hidayahNya..
"Ya Allah,tuhan yang membolak bolikkan hati kami,teguhkanlah hati kami di atas agamaMu"...ameen..moga kita dihidupkan dan dimatikan dalam iman..

Wallahu 'alam..

Anonymous said...


sebagai seorang saudara semuslim,ana rasa terpanggil utk menulis sedikit komen..ana tidaklah seorang yg boleh digelar "a great debater" seperti Ben,tapi hanyalah seorang hamba Allah yang sangat terbatas ilmunya jika hendak dibandingkan dengan ilmu Yang Maha Mengetahui..namun ana rasa bersyukur kerana masih diberikan nikmat untuk hidup sebagai seorang Muslim hingga ke hari ini oleh Yang Maha Pemurah..

Perkara pertama yang menjadikan seseorang itu muslim adalah dengan mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah:
"Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah,dan aku bersaksi bahawa Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah"

Perkara inilah yang perlu diberi penekanan dan dipahamkan dengan sedalam dalamnya sebelum kita terus mempersoalkan tentang perkara lain dalam Islam..kerana itulah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah itu menjadi rukun Islam yang pertama.

Jika sudah meyakini rukun Islam yang pertama dengan sebenar benarnya,insya Allah tidak ada masalah untuk kita melaksanakan Rukun Islam yang kedua,iaitu mendirikan solat lima waktu sehari semalam dan juga segala suruhan Allah yang lain.andai kita sedar Allah itu adalah Pencipta dan Penguasa kepada diri kita,adakah kita sanggup untuk meingkari segala suruhanNya dan melakukan segala laranganNya?sanggupkah?namun Allah itu Maha Pemurah..walaupun suruhanNya ditinggalkan dan laranganNya dilakukan,Allah tetap memberi nikmat(seperti kejayaan dalam peperiksaan,kepandaian,kesempurnaan anggota tubuh badan,akal yang waras,keluarga yang bahagia dan dilimpahi dengan rezki yang banyak)yang mungkin tidak pernah kita syukuri.Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil kerana masih memberi peluang kepada hambaNya untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan.Ketahuilah bahawa pintu taubat tidak pernah tertutup selagi mana hayat dikandung badan dan matahari tidak terbit di sebelah barat(hari kiamat).

Pada pendapat ana,kukuhkan dulu aqidah kita dengan rukun Islam yang pertama di atas.insya Allah,Allah akan memberi hidayah untuk terus di jalan yang benar kepada kita..

kita juga perlu sentiasa berwaspada dengan hasutan syaitan yang sentiasa cuba untuk menyesatkan manusia..

ana percaya Ben boleh jadi seorang Muslim yang lebih hebat jika aqidah
anda di landasan yang betul.

sampai sini saja komen ana.segala yang baik itu adalah dari Allah dan segala kekurangan itu adalah dari kelemahan dan keterbatasan ilmu ana sendiri..maaf sekiranya komen ini hanya sesuatu yang mungkin dianggap menyemakkan blog Ben..

Akhir sekali,sama-samalah kita berdoa agar Allah sentiasa membuka pintu hati kita dan menyinari hati kita dengan hidayahNya..
"Ya Allah,tuhan yang membolak bolikkan hati kami,teguhkanlah hati kami di atas agamaMu"...ameen..moga kita dihidupkan dan dimatikan dalam iman..

Wallahu 'alam..

Anonymous said...


sebagai seorang saudara semuslim,ana rasa terpanggil utk menulis sedikit komen..ana tidaklah seorang yg boleh digelar "a great debater" seperti Ben,tapi hanyalah seorang hamba Allah yang sangat terbatas ilmunya jika hendak dibandingkan dengan ilmu Yang Maha Mengetahui..namun ana rasa bersyukur kerana masih diberikan nikmat untuk hidup sebagai seorang Muslim hingga ke hari ini oleh Yang Maha Pemurah..

Perkara pertama yang menjadikan seseorang itu muslim adalah dengan mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah:
"Aku bersaksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah melainkan Allah,dan aku bersaksi bahawa Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah"

Perkara inilah yang perlu diberi penekanan dan dipahamkan dengan sedalam dalamnya sebelum kita terus mempersoalkan tentang perkara lain dalam Islam..kerana itulah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah itu menjadi rukun Islam yang pertama.

Jika sudah meyakini rukun Islam yang pertama dengan sebenar benarnya,insya Allah tidak ada masalah untuk kita melaksanakan Rukun Islam yang kedua,iaitu mendirikan solat lima waktu sehari semalam dan juga segala suruhan Allah yang lain.andai kita sedar Allah itu adalah Pencipta dan Penguasa kepada diri kita,adakah kita sanggup untuk meingkari segala suruhanNya dan melakukan segala laranganNya?sanggupkah?namun Allah itu Maha Pemurah..walaupun suruhanNya ditinggalkan dan laranganNya dilakukan,Allah tetap memberi nikmat(seperti kejayaan dalam peperiksaan,kepandaian,kesempurnaan anggota tubuh badan,akal yang waras,keluarga yang bahagia dan dilimpahi dengan rezki yang banyak)yang mungkin tidak pernah kita syukuri.Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil kerana masih memberi peluang kepada hambaNya untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan.Ketahuilah bahawa pintu taubat tidak pernah tertutup selagi mana hayat dikandung badan dan matahari tidak terbit di sebelah barat(hari kiamat).

Pada pendapat ana,kukuhkan dulu aqidah kita dengan rukun Islam yang pertama di atas.insya Allah,Allah akan memberi hidayah untuk terus di jalan yang benar kepada kita..

kita juga perlu sentiasa berwaspada dengan hasutan syaitan yang sentiasa cuba untuk menyesatkan manusia..

ana percaya Ben boleh jadi seorang Muslim yang lebih hebat jika aqidah
anda di landasan yang betul.

sampai sini saja komen ana.segala yang baik itu adalah dari Allah dan segala kekurangan itu adalah dari kelemahan dan keterbatasan ilmu ana sendiri..maaf sekiranya komen ini hanya sesuatu yang mungkin dianggap menyemakkan blog Ben..

Akhir sekali,sama-samalah kita berdoa agar Allah sentiasa membuka pintu hati kita dan menyinari hati kita dengan hidayahNya..
"Ya Allah,tuhan yang membolak bolikkan hati kami,teguhkanlah hati kami di atas agamaMu"...ameen..moga kita dihidupkan dan dimatikan dalam iman..

Wallahu 'alam..

Danny said...

Everyone, There's an imporTanT announcemenT from Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. From now on, The small leTTer 't' shall no longer be used in our alphabeT, as iT looks similar To The chrisTian cross. Therefore, everyone would have To use The capiTal letter 'T' when Typing or wriTing from now on, as To avoid any religious issues. Those who fail To comply To The new regulaTions shall be charged accordingly.

benjamin said...

danny: *high 5*

Anonymous said...

i read your post.
just wanna say something
seems like ramai kawan anda yang mahu membantu
and nampaknya banyak juga komen yang disangkal.

''one last thing....god have us free will. what makes you think anyone can take that away from us? im free to do anything i want, but i will face my consequences. to sin is a right, to sin is to make a choice, to sin is between me and god. and god will judge me. and trust me, im ready to answer to what god will ask me.''

this is a part of what you've said.
and why don't you try to wear all that 'things' you want and try to answer The AlMighty in hereafter.but,do you even sure that you can answer the Q's from munkar n Nakir in Alam Barzakh?
you're very sure of yourself right.
hope we can meet in heaven.

The Half-life of Uranium-235 said...

woohoo, support man...
though I'm no muslim...
in a parallel sense...
I understand what you mean...

Danny said...

@ben: if i were u, i'd just disable the comments for this particular post. they would say u're a coward and stuff, but in reality, they're the ones who are going to lose, cos there's nothing they could do. this is a blog, where people express their thoughts and opinions. not a forum, or a debater's lounge, or some sort of discussion site.

by the way, im not siding with any particular party.

@the opposing forces: i understand that u have the need to argue with ben's point of view, because u love ur religion, and u would like to defend it. but please, please please please, provide a solid piece of argument. especially yang anonymous ni, jawapan tah ape2 ntah. x convincing, and kadang2 x menjawab soalan lgsung. setakat nak balas je, tapi takde strong basis. and by the way, please, for Heaven's sake, dont end ur comment with a f*cking smiley, cos i dont believe u were actually smiling while u were typing that comment, were u? it's just f*cking annoying. =)


Danny said...

I have a question for everyone. U guys know "Crocs"? those ridiculously expensive clown slippers? now, some people say that the Crocs logo, has Allah's name written on it. So what would you say if i were to wear a pair of Crocs on my feet?

Anonymous said...

danny - stay to the relevent blog post yea?

Danny said...

tell me why

Anonymous said...

i guess the comment can't satisfied you Ben.
owh yeah Danny,if you doin't mind can I know your religion?
just curious..

Anonymous said...

dnny - it would be such a waste because apparently, you are on ben's side. just like what you see, ben never want to accept the fact.he didnt give a damn to comments that oppose him.

we can't help it anymore AHMAD BENJAMIN.

Anonymous said...

i'm even more curious as to why u need to know danny's religion. could u justify the reasons for ur query? just curious...

upinipin said...

apasal x reply comment yg dberi oleh blog walker & mr 313..????
apa yg mereka cakap betol la..

to danny: ko yg x paham ape yg diorang cakap abis tu cakap yg mereka cakap "ntah pape".

to all mreka yg sayang kn ben:
thanx 4 trying utk selamatkan ben n membantu ben berjaya di dunia n akhirat..
sama2 kita doa2kan agar kite sume bersama(ben & his frens) dapat hidayah dr ALLAH swt..

upin said...

apasal x reply comment yg dberi oleh blog walker & mr 313..????
apa yg mereka cakap betol la..

to danny: ko yg x paham ape yg diorang cakap abis tu cakap yg mereka cakap "ntah pape".tu hnye mnunjukkan yg ko kurang ilmu n sepatutnye trima ape2 yg baik dr org len..

to all mreka yg sayan kn ben:
thanx 4 trying utk selamatkan ben n membantu ben berjaya di dunia n akhirat..
sama2 kita doa2kan agar kite sume bersama(ben & his frens) dapat hidayah dr ALLAH swt..

Danny said...

oh, dont get me wrong, i was never siding with ben or anyone in the first place. i do disagree with some of his points, but at the same time, i disagree with the points made by the others as well.

Anonymous said...

dnny - could you please tell me precisely, which points you disagree made by the others?

Anonymous said...

owh it's ok.
i just blogwalking to his blog.
and now i know he's a muslim.

''now, some people say that the Crocs logo, has Allah's name written on it. So what would you say if i were to wear a pair of Crocs on my feet?''

and to anonymous,i just think does that Q is relevant for a muslim to ask?

but still just asking kerana saya juga belum layak digelar da'ie.

Danny said...

@upin: oh... terase ke? kan bnyk comment anonymous kat blog ni... ade aku cakap semua anonymous ke? ko tau ke aku directkan ke sape?

Danny said...

gile stalker anonymous ni...

benjamin said...

"again, you are trying to run away from reality"

how am i doing that by my questions? arent you running away from my questions?

"ya ben betul juga anonymous tu.nasihat boleh datang dari sesiapa pun.even benduan atau penagih dadah."

what on earth? if anyone can advice, then why the need for mufti? why dont you just listen to those who were prisoned for sodomy, rape, theft, murder...who have apparently "balik ke pangkal jalan".

"kebanyakan soalan wujud coz of you yg xtau otak mnusia ade limit...(elaboration)-ade mnusia yg d beri klbihan utk melihat alam ghaib'

how do you know my limit of intelligence is not higher than yours? seeing that you never really stay relevant to the blog post. let me put it this way. you are saying there are some who are gifted. but not for a second you would think i was probably too? what's this predisposition?

"- Jangan cuba pham Islam dengan hanye mmerhatikan keadaan skeliling"

now, my blog was about a damn jersey. you lot turned up change the topic.

to mr 313 : i find it completely useless to quote you because none of it make sense. and how does your lengthy comment relate to a jersey?
and tolong la jangan post sampai 3 kali. nampak sangat kurang cerdik.

"and why don't you try to wear all that 'things' you want and try to answer The AlMighty in hereafter"

simple. you see. just for asking such a question, im being bombarded with people who don't have the mental capacity to understand the purpose of this blog. imagine whats gona happen when i start wearing those stuff. i wont be surprised if they isolate me, beat me up in the name of defending their religion, just like what the KKK did back then.

"danny - stay to the relevent blog post yea?"

he is you moron.

"just like what you see, ben never want to accept the fact."

religion is about faith. it doesnt need facts and figures. thats why i dont question religion. i question those muftis about the jersey. thats all. and what fact did you people come up with exactly?

apasal x reply comment yg dberi oleh blog walker & mr 313..????
apa yg mereka cakap betol la.."

because i find it rather a waste of time. and pointless. and partially self righteous.

benjamin said...

if you really are wondering why i dont reply to your comments, its because i find them stupid and i really have a limit to tolerate such idiocy before i lose my patience.

let me set this straight. you people dont seem to understand my post, all you ever think is "ben is wrong, i should try to advice him back to the right path" this perception draws the line between you and me. no one can really be sure who's wrong till we are judged in the hereafter. at least i consider and give a thought or two before making up my mind. you, on the other hand, always think you are right just because you either pray five times a day or just the fact that you're more pious than me. what you fail to see is that you've always assume that you are right. you're not sure how, you cant prove it, for heavens sake, you cant even try to say it right. but whenever opposed, you stand strong, refusing to try to accept my point of view, about a damn jersey. then you just quote the quran to your convenience.

the greatest difference in the manifestation of intelligence is that im able to think for myself. none of you can. taking from your comments, it seems you receive the same type of education and have the same mentality. no one tries to differ, no one brave enough to think differently. unlike you who spend their time reading the quran and still fail to understand it, i spend mine on thoughts. one that pose such a threat to your stand in self-righteousness. where deemed necessary, your attempt of character assassination arose. but all this while, none of you can actually say something relevant because you just cant think differently. all you have is one mindset, one mentality. so heres my advice to you people. stop wasting your time on my blog, and go do whatever you think is right. go sembahyang sunat or read the quran.

fuck off self righteous nazis =)

yat said...

wow..people are taking everything out of context.

by the way, recent news, the jersey is not banned.

The Half-life of Uranium-235 said...

Hey ben, remember in my latest blog post I mentioned something about people who talk about religion in such an unbecoming and narrow-minded way...

These people qualify for that disgust...

Both the people who could come up with such a ruling and also...

All the people who are commenting so fervently on this post with empty words and blank minds...

benjamin said...

yat : thanks for the update

vj : i got a feeling some of them are from my college. now u know the environment im in.

Anonymous said...

wow.i have read all the comments. let me tell you first, i am not siding any parties.

first of all, i would like to ask you. if you refuse to the see someone who's more knowledgeable than you, eg ustaz, then how you gonna clarify your doubts? because NONE of the feedbacks can really answer you.
are you going to stay in your circles and keep doubting? obviously, it is not wrong to doubt. but i am sure you want a confirmation.

benjamin said...

i read. -_-

Anonymous said...

then it's all over. i am sure you are pretty messed with this overflowing comments.
one has his/her right to believe based on what he/she read.
but no harm asking.right?

benjamin said...

absolutely. if only the rest can think that way.

Kar-Men said...

OMG, I can't believe it! This post garner up to 59 comments! Okay, will now round it up to an even number. Only because I like you and that we are all so awesome =)

Charlotte said...

wow, Ben i see that you have finally gotten a high-respond post here! Like vijay and kar men, i shall add my support to this post! >:D

I read half way and thought i was reading a Youtube comment page a.d *.* Blogs are for expressing thoughts and all, there is freedom in writing and thoughts.

Anyway, if there was a "like" button to Danny's 1st comment, i would "like" it! Stop the freaking fake smileys. Dont think that it would change your tone of speech by adding a friendly smiley at the end!