beauty and the beast

to clarify one thing here, its not about the musical mix fm has been going on about lately, but rather the disney animation. not the new one, there's only one beauty and the beast animation from disney that i know....and it was the only one i have ever watch. the very 1st time i watch it was when it was still in available on vcr, the tape player...and by that means, it was way way back then, when i was a kid.

i've got snow white, cinderella and beauty and the beast...thats all i remember, but the one that really had its disney magic on me back then was the last one. it might be weird coming from a vehicophile, but something from that movie really had a lasting effect on my memory. i still remember the rose, i still remember the dance, i still remember that there was rain. for some reason, i never get to see the ending, because the tape was faulty at that i didnt have the chance to see how the beast transform back into a prince. there were a lot of missing pieces in the movie for me, which is the reason why i watched it again the other day, the day before i have to sit for 4 papers consecutively. i couldnt study, didnt bother to hold the book at all, but instead i watch the movie, again and again, for the whole day.

and i gotta say, it was still nice. i still like the fact that the beast was full of real life character, so did the didnt feel so fake for a disney. though it had lost the magic touch on me, even though it had one last time, i'd blame age for that. im too old for these kind of things, but it doesnt matter does it? all i can say is that......if a movie, or anything, can have a place in your memory, though its in pieces, for a long time, it shows that it has some importance to you, so yes, the movie was somehow important to me. i grew up with disney movies anyway, but the new ones are forgetable, just like movies nowadays. so the next time i forget something, it shows i couldnt care about it....but i am forgetful in everything.....ah, that explains then.


Maalini said...

An update, at last. XPP

Dude, you are so awesome! =D Beauty and the Beast is one of my all-time favourite Disney movies. =] The beast owns, definitely. And Belle,too, of course. And all the talking objects. >.>

You're right, though. Disney movies these days are cringe-worthy. D: Especially when they make sequels of some of my favourites... and they end up sucking worse than you expect. x.x;;; Grr.

Ahahaha, I'm starting to rant. XP But it's nice to know that someone else actually likes it too. =D

Kar-Men said...

Let it be known I grow up watching such Disney classics. Don't really like the new ones though. They capitalize too much on it. That aside..

You are EVIL! You managed to take a shot at Disney's money making scheme as well as life with just one post!

Such EVIL needs to be commemorated!

benjamin said...

yeah, so theres more people who likes disneys too..... update at last? it wasnt that long u know.

km.....huh? i still dont get it.

Maalini said...

Well, it was to me. =P I put it down to my stoning at home this whole time that makes things seem to take longer.

But yeah, I grew up on Disney classics as well. And it is because of that that it's unforgivable that they produce such bad sequels (can't really be bothered about a lot of the newer stuff.), or actually even think of making them in the first place. =/