ktt : week1

i suppose everyone doesnt like that feeling when they are leaving their comfort zone. for 17 years, my comfort zone was home....and my family. nope, didnt go to boarding school, didnt go anywhere without my parents. leaving home for matrix was something rather drastic in my life. considering the fact that i dont do laundry, iron, or any house chores.....apart from vacuuming and wiping every single surface in my room whenever exam approaches, or any major events instead of studying. back in matrix, i was still ok with the new environment, because i took into consideration that home is half an hour away....20 minutes if im driving, and if i dont like matrix, i can always opt to go for jpa. plus, i can go back home every week. with this in mind, leaving home wasnt hard, because i never really left it in the first place, considering the fact that i send my laundry home, and because i had an alternative should i hate matrix....which is jpa.

orientation week in matrix made things better, as i found a few friends who are equally insane and hyper at the same time. blending in with everyone isnt my thing, but at least i wasnt the odd one out there. some said their first impression of me was that i was proud....maybe due to the fact that i rarely start a conversation or reply in the least amount of words possible. but things got better. i made more friends, i know more lecturers, i can cope with the studying method there. i was already adjusting to the new atmosphere......i found my comfort zone again in matrix. and thats why matrix didnt feel so bad. well, of course im not the most popular guy in the campus, nor i had a buddy to go makan dinner with or even a friend to go to the library with everyday. but that didnt really matter plainly because i was used to solitude in certain ways.....those ways. point is......i made myself home.

taking up the jpa offer meant that i had to change places. right now, im in ktt, kolej teknologi timur, in sepang. i dont mean to exaggerate, but my first impression of this place was "oh fuck, i screwed up". orientation week was kinda of a task for the first few days....but when it reached the end, we had fun. serious fun. i may not know the names of everyone in my group, nor have i made friends out of these new acquaintances, and the ghost stories i heard from the seniors yesterday didnt make me feel any better....but for once, i think i can learn to be independent. for once, i believe i can create my sanctuary anywhere in the world. but as always, i need someone else to do my laundry and ironing.


Miss Kira said...

just send it to the dobi..
easy right..

benjamin said...

mesti la. ulu ulu pun aku ada dobi. hahhaa

simply fiqah said...

alamak ben.. mcm la kt ktt x de dobi.. makcik 2 tggu bj ko antar hr2.. psl iron,ko tggu lg sethn,junior msk,ko srh r diorg ironkn.. hahahahaha..^-^

benjamin said...

tu aku tau la. alamak, lagi sorang reader. haha