day eight


i haven't seen you online lately. guess you're busy huh. i hope you get all my emails. i don't really know because you rarely reply.

funny how we know each other. i still don't remember how i have you on my friendster. that was almost 4 years ago. it's been a long way since then. i guess what really bridged the gap was my friendster blog which seemed rather controversial as this one as well. its good to know that there is someone out there who actually read my what i wrote.

im sorry that sometimes, i sound rather rude online. can't help it. words can only convey so much, and a simple "hey" can be said in so many ways. a simple "ok" would be misleading at certain times.

anyway, i just hope that we can find commitment in ourselves to keep emailing and stuff. perhaps video call when there's an opportunity?

yours sincerely,

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