day four


i honestly have no idea what to say. and i think you'd prefer i keep my mouth shut. but i don't want to quit doing this letter thing just yet. we don't really look like we're close huh. we don't even look alike. but our interests are the same. well, im more obsessed towards eva green than leah dizon if you really want go into details. we only meet up once in a while, either for yong tau fu or getting stuff from lowyat. and i know we don't ever call each other unless there's something. i think it'd be cooler that way. im not saying we're cold, just cool with each other. don't think there's awkwardness whenever we talk.

you're a great brother. with an even greater sense of humour. you comments on my blog is worth a good laugh. i know you've sorta set a benchmark for us. the good thing is im not competitive, and have no interest in sibling rivalry. the things i did, debate, jpa....i didn't do them to prove im better. i just want to be different. i've already felt like a nobody in school. being someone's shadow at home would have driven me off the bridge.

here's some facts. you're a great driver. crazy yes, so was ayrton senna, im not saying you're that great. but it's fun experiencing locking brakes, or G's in normal roads. you're smart. up to the point i hate the way you can do add math so easily. you play games the night before an exam. well, i do too, but our results would differ. you're a tech geek and you're really good at it. and i think you've got a good girlfriend that you've yet to introduce to me. im still waiting.

one last thing, whatever happened to my other power supply? =p

your brother,


Danny said...

damn... why did u have to be all formal and touchy and stuff. u could've just said hi. anyway, the power supply's pretty much busted. still couldn't find the time to go to lowyat to get it fixed. by the way, i lol'd hard on this:
"the good thing is im not competitive, and have no interest in sibling rivalry"
yeah right. maybe u're not competitive in terms of studies, but u're an absolute competitive freak when it comes to games.
anyway, i'm glad u're not following my footsteps. despite what our parents or u might think, i am not, in any way, proud of what i've become. i have failed my own dreams. but u guys still have the chance to choose ur own path. so choose wisely. dont worry if u're not good at the things that u want to choose. skills can be acquired. passion can't. ok, i'm running out of wisdom, so i guess that's it.

your absolutely good-looking brother,

benjamin said...

i tried not to be touchy aite?
well, im an avid game freak. how else did i manage to complete all the games i played before.

nah, i don't think i'd hate being a doctor more than than the ten year bond. im sticking with this.

Danny said...

psu kau burn. tauke tu cakap mmg tak boleh claim, sebab dah lebih 3 bulan.